On the Superiority of Prostration upon the Turbah of Imam Husain (P.B.U.H.)



The present article deals with the performing prostration or sajdah, on Imam Husain’s turbah, the clay obtained from Karbala where Imam Husain (PBUH) attained his holiness’s martyrdom. In so doing, we first investigate the superiority of prostration on clay, found in Islamic narrations and traditions from Shiite and Sunnite points of view. It is upon these traditions that we prove that prostration on clay is a superior form of prostration. We also show that if they had the possibility to find something made from soil, Muslims of early Islam, who said their prayers at the back of the Holy Prophet (SAWW), would not perform prostration on materials other than soil. We make it clear that performing the prostration on a carpet, an item of clothing, around one’s turban, etc. is void. Therefore, we consider it a novelty that we find no proof for its rightfulness. ...
