The Commandment of Assignment of “Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim” as a Component of Suratul-Fatihah (The Opener) in Fiqh



Knowing that Suratul-Fatihah, is the opener of Salat (daily prayers), and is repeated 10 times at least, in daily prayers, the fiqhi commandment of assignment of “Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim” as a component of Suratul-Fatihah, is a functional and useful discussion. In this regard, we have to search to know if it has been part of prophet’s tradition or not and its denial is Ijtihad against Nass (verified text) or just a simple Ijtihad.
Referring to the history of discussion and expressing theories with “eleven arguments”, we will conclude that the prophet in all his prayers, seriously considered it as a part of prayer, and his companions approved that. Also Khalifas did so and there are more evidences of early Islam, confirmed this procedure. according to Ahadith of prophet and imams, there is a consensus of opinions among Shi’a Imami Muslims in this regard.
In the last part of the essay we will review and criticize “four reasons” of deniers of this assignment, and then we will conclude.
