Fiqh and Government



Islamic fiqh especially Imami fiqh, contains subjects that their application need a powerful government and a ruler that must be aware of divine teachings. Accordingly, it should be noted that there is a strong connection between the fiqh of Islam and the issue of government. Here, we study some expressions of this connection, including:
a) Review of fiqhi texts to make the connection of fiqh and government clear
b) The lifestyle of prophet (s?ra al-nabawi) and his operation about Islamic government
c) The lifestyle of prophet and Imams and their actions and also viewpoints of religious experts about government and the necessity of its establishment in society
In this essay, we demonstrate that it is not possible to separate fiqh and politics, so we conclude that: our religiousness is just our exercise of politics, in this way religion and governing piously are two sides of the same coin.
