Restudying the Provisions of Apostasy form the Viewpoint of Imami Fiqh



Misgiving people about religious beliefs sometimes drives Muslims to become apostate. Apostasy has many meanings, one of the most known is “refusal of Islam”.
According to a famous saying of prophet (kill anyone who changes his religion), some jurists believe that all the apostates must be killed, but we demonstrate that there are different kinds of apostasy with different punishments. Also we prove that the punishment of male fitri apostate (one who was born of Muslim parents, or at least one parent, and then rejects Islam) is death, but in case of repentance, will be released. However a female apostate, in the case of rejecting the penitence, will be imprisoned until regretting and repenting. In addition, in this essay, we will study the causes of apostasy and its important consequences on the human’s destiny.
