

Interdiction is one of the issues discussed in Islamic law and jurisprudence. It is realized when one is legally owner of his or her properties but in order not to jeopardize his/her or others' benefits, he or she is legally banned from taking possession or making use of the whole or a part of the properties.
In the present article, firstly, the kinds of persons under interdiction and their period of interdiction has been visualized, then, regarding that most of interdiction cases happens in the absence of mental maturity; both terms of maturity and immaturity have been discussed.
Since interdiction can not generally go with the regulation of ownership, the writer has commented some points here too. Afterwards, having studied the correlation of the two issues in question, general merits of interdiction as regards individuals and community have been argued as well. Finally, that how the maturity and immaturity could be distinguished has been argued
