

Islamic Law researchers, from long ago, have categorized usury into two kinds: usury of transaction and usury of loan, for everyone of which
they have prescribed respective decrees and conditions.
Some other scholars have viewed the issue again. They, for the next
step, divided the loan usury into two types of productive usury and consuming one and asserted the productive one lawful. Their claim was
based on the fact that the productive one doesn't have the harmful and unfair results of the consumed usury.
In this essay, the background of productive usury have been surveyed; moreover, by providing enough legal and economic profs, I have
demonstrated that in fact the two divisions of loan usury are identical, both in the matter of essence and in the matterr of judgment. On the other
hand, the reasoning of those who believe in lawfulness of productive usury has been studied and criticized. Later, the "Sad Zaraye" theory has
been viewed concerning the transaction usury; finally, a cooperative system was suggested, rather an interest one.
