

Two sects, in some aspects, have unanimous opinions about the
purport of the Perfection verse. The main discrepancy concerns the time and the reason of revelation of the verse; consiquently, it has brought
about vast discourse arguments between the two sects. Considering their reference books, we can recognize two groups of narrations regarding the
verse: one states its revelations on the day of Arafa and the other, on the day of Ghadir, Adding up these two factions of narrations would culminate
in some probabilities.
All Shiites' traditions, no matter suggesting it on the day of Arafa or on
the day of Ghadir, indicate that the real cause of its revelation is the declaration of Imam Alj's mastership; besides, in all traditions quoted by
the Sunnis, apart from one, the same cause has been asserted.
Most of the Sunnis who have rlated the revelation to Arafa, have suggested some other probabilities, contrary to assertion of traditions over
the issue. These probabilities have been altered by many demonstrative
By proving the fact that the cause of the verse of revelation
demonstrates Imam Ali's mastership, we can recognize its wonderful
influence into the Ghadir sermon quoted by the prophet, as well as into other verses regarding mastership of infallibles.
