

The present article intends to consider one of the important subjectes in the field of religion studies and philosophy of religion: that is evil issue.
Some belivers are of the view that the existence of evil is in contradiction
to conviction in God. On the other hand, some other theologians have made a lot of attempts to find its resolutions, some conspicuous of which
are going to be scrutinized in this essay briefly.
First of all, some clarifications in the matter of its conception and
examples have been given, and secondly, five solutions, as follows, have been presented: 1) evil is a matter of non-existence, 2) it is one of the
requirements of the material world, 3) it is the necessity of th human's freedom, 4) it comes from minor visualisation, 5) it is culminated from
human's ignorance.
It seems that considering these solutions deliberately, one would reject
the contradiction between believing in God and the problem of evil.
