

In the present age, human beings would enjoy welfare and peace thoroughly, given all the facilities at his disposal. Nevertheless, it is
obvious that he suffers from some dreadful inconveniences such as
dejection, depression, lack of jollity, stress, grief and downheartedness.
Nowadays one lives in a state of fear and stres, feeling that life has
become insensitive and devoid of any kind of tenderness so that agility and jollity found in a villager's small cottage some centuries ago cannot
be gotten in any big luxury house now. The more various foods and beverages appears on the tables, the less delight comes into the
sensations. As a result, a large number of people in modern industrial countries get use of sedative drugs, narcotics or alcohol to gain a little
Now a question is raised whether there is a solution to conciliate human again or not.
The present writer has suggested some resolutions involving the fact that the desired calmness and reconciliation lie in religious teachings, in
addition to mentioning some factors and causes which result in mental health and hygiene.
