

We are not allowed, due to meer obedience and our limited and defected knowledge of prescripts, argue about the causes of revealed prescripts regarding our status as God’s slaves, hence, we are not prevented to ask and search, because God has invited us to contemplate about him. Moreover he has definitely considered some of our interest and inexpediencies in his divine legeslation by the help of which we can sometimes guess some of causes and reasons. Accordingly, in the criteria specified by God we can investigate the reasons of the prescripts. Considereing fasting scrutinizingly, we can notice its virtues which have been mentioned and emphasised in tradition, narations and Quran’s verses. Giving head to fasting for an instance, it will be easy to reaveal its causes and discover some other dubious things in this respect.
In this essay, to a limited extent, I have considered some verses and narations to demonstrate the wonderful advantages of fasting.
