

Among religious arguments, natural cognition for knowing God is of great significance. There is no doubt in achiving the same cognition by the means of demonstrations and statements quoted by religions; however, for those who are not equipped with the above tools, primordial nature is a transparent way through which one can have a close relation with God.
In this article, by the virtue of two verses, natural cognition have been introduced: on the connection of the first verse I have demonstrated human’s realism in paying attention to God, which is one of his nature’s exigencies. That is to say, human’s nature basically represents this relation.
Consequently, if someone can not achive this goal, he is in the wrong path ignoring his own existence.
Considering the second verse, I have argued the reasn why this nature comes to appearance in perilous circumstances or in some crises, through which human turns his true attention to God. Moreover, the influence of horror or danger as regards the issue has been visualized.
